Monday, November 12, 2012

St. Josaphat

"I am here among you as a shepherd and you ought to know that I should be happy to give my life for you. I am ready to die for the holy union, for the supremacy of St. Peter and his successor the Supreme Pontiff."
- St. Josaphat (1580 - 1623)

Today is the feast day of St. Josaphat. Josaphat was born John Kunsevich in 1580 in what is now Poland. In 1045, there was a schism between Rome and Constantinople. In 1595, some of the bishops from the East met in Belarus in order to seek reunion with Rome. John would also encourage reunion with Rome. When John became a Basilian monk and priest he was given the name of Josaphat. At a young age, Josaphat became the bishop of Vitebsk (now part of Russia), and began to have trouble with the clergy there. Many of the clergy did not want to have union with Rome because they did not want to have anyone change their liturgy and customs. However, through Josaphat's example, synods, instruction, etc. he helped bring at least part of the clergy and laity into favoring union with Rome. After a while, however, a new hierarchy was set up that told lies about Josaphat and brought trouble for him. Josaphat came back to Vitebsk, despite warnings not to. After Josaphat came back, people planned to drive him from his parish or to create trouble for him. A priest was actually sent out to shout insults at Josaphat, but Josaphat ordered the priest taken back to his house. After this, a mob formed outside of Josaphat's house, and some people forced their way into his house. These people struck him with a halberd (combined spear and battle-ax) and shot him before his body was thrown into a river. Josaphat died in 1623, and was canonized in 1867. 

St. Josaphat, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About St. Josaphat Taken From:

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