Friday, January 18, 2013

St. Margaret of Hungary

"Many of the people who look forward to a long life put off doing good works, since they think that they will have plenty of time before they die. As for me, I prefer to be among those who consider that they have no time to lose if they wish to give God all the glory that they can before they die."
- St. Margaret of Hungary (1242 - 1271)

Today is the feast day of St. Margaret of Hungary. Margaret was born in 1242 in Klis, which is now a city in Croatia. Her father was King Bela IV of Hungary. When she was 12, Margaret entered a royal Dominican convent which was built on an island in the Danube River, which is now known as Margaret Island. Though she was a princess among other women of noble descent, she never refrained from performing the most menial tasks and hard labor, and she also prayed and fasted often. She died on January 18, 1271. 

St. Margaret of Hungary, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About St. Margaret Taken From:

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