Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saint Hesychius of Jerusalem

"Keep yourselves free from sin so that every day you may share in the mystic meal; by doing so our bodies become the body of Christ."
- Saint Hesychius of Jerusalem (d. 450)

Today is the feast day of Saint Hesychius of Jerusalem. Hesychius lived during the fourth and fifth centuries and was a priest and a monk. He also wrote about many different thing in the Church. He wrote on the Church's history, and about the problems of his day (including the Nestorian and Arian heresies). He wrote commentaries on some of the books of the Bible, meditations on the prophets, and homilies on the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is said that Hesychius was known to deliver Easter homilies in the basilica in Jerusalem, which is thought to be the place where Jesus was crucified. Hesychius died in 450.

Saint Hesychius of Jerusalem, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Saint Hesychius Taken From:

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