Friday, March 22, 2013

Saint Lea

"Who can sufficiently eulogize our dear Lea's mode of living? So complete was her conversion to the Lord that, becoming the head of a monastery, she showed herself a true mother to the virgins in it, wore coarse sackcloth instead of soft raiment, passed sleepless nights in prayer, and instructed her companions even more by example than by precept."
- Saint Jerome (347 - 420)

Today is the feast day of Saint Lea. Lea was a devout fourth-century woman who was a friend of Saint Jerome. There is not much information about Lea, and the information that is known was written by Saint Jerome in a letter to Saint Marcella. There is no biographical information in this letter because it is assumed that Marcella already knew the details of Lea's life. In his letter, Saint Jerome highly praises Lea and calls her "blessed". The letter also tells that Lea entered a Roman monastery of virgins after her husband's death and later became the Superior of the monastery. 

Saint Lea, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Saint Lea Taken From:

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