Monday, April 22, 2013

Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu

"In simplicity of heart I gladly offer everything, O Lord. The Lord put me on this path, He will remember to sustain me in battle. To His mercy I entrust my frailty. I saw in front of me a big cross..., I thought that my sacrifice was nothing in comparison to His. I offered myself entirely and I do not withdraw the given word. God's will whatever it may be, this is my joy, my happiness, my peace. I will never be able to thank enough. I cannot say but these words: 'My God, Your Glory'."
- Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu (1914 - 1939)

Today is the feast day of Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu. Maria Gabriella was born in 1914 in Sardinia, Italy, to a family of shepherds. As a child, Maria Gabriella was described as obstinate, critical, protesting, rebellious, but loyal and obedient. For example, she would say no to a request, but then act on it immediately. When she turned 18, she became gentler and her temper diminished. She became involved in prayer and charity, and joined 'Azione Cattolic' (Catholic Action), a Catholic youth movement. At the age of 21, she entered the Trappestine monastery of Grottaferrata. When the leader of the community explained a request for prayer and offering for the cause of Christian Unity, Maria Gabriella felt compelled to offer her life to the cause. Soon after, she fell sick with tuberculosis. She died in 1939 at the age of 25 from the disease, and was beatified in 1983. 

Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Blessed Maria Gabriella Taken From:

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