Thursday, April 18, 2013

Saint Apollonius the Apologist

"Suffering is a great favor. Remember that everything soon comes to an end. . . and take courage. Think of how our gain is eternal."
- Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 - 1582)

Today is the feast day of Saint Apollonius the Apologist. Apollonius was a Christian and a Roman Senator during the 2nd century. One of Apollonius's slaves denounced him as a Christian to the Praetorian Prefect, Sextus Tigidius Perennis. Perennis then arrested Apollonius and put his servant to death as an informer. Perennis demanded that Apollonius denounce his faith, but Apollonius refused. The case was then taken before the Roman senate. In the senate, Apollonius debated with Perennis, and eloquently defended himself and the Christian faith. Apollonius's Apologia, or defense of the faith, is considered one of the most priceless documents of the early Church. Despite his eloquent defense, Apollonius was condemned and beheaded in 185. 

Saint Apollonius, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Saint Apollonius Taken From:

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