Thursday, February 21, 2013

Saint Peter Damian

"Do not be depressed. Do not let your weakness make you impatient. Instead, let the serenity of your spirit shine through your face. Let the joy of your mind burst forth. Let words of thanks break from your lips."
- Saint Peter Damian (1007 - 1072)

Today is the feast day of Saint Peter Damian. Peter was born in 1007 in Italy. At a young age, Peter was orphaned and one of his brothers took care of him. After, Peter's other brother, the archpriest of Ravenna, sent him off to many good schools. Peter later became a professor. After a while, Peter decided to give up his teaching so that he could live a life of prayer and fasting with the Benedictines of the reform of Saint Romuald. During his life, Peter became an abbott, the cardinal-bishop of Ostia, and a papal legate. He worked for peace and also the stop of simony (buying and selling of church offices). He loved the poor and was very zealous for the good of souls. When returning from Ravenna one day he was overcome by a fever and died on February 22, 1072. He was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1828. 

Saint Peter Damian, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Saint Peter Taken From:

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