Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Saint Richard of Wyche

"If we are, in fact, now occupied in good deeds, we should not attribute the strength with which we are doing them to ourselves. We must not count on ourselves, because even if we know what kind of person we are today, we do not know what we will be tomorrow."
- Saint Gregory the Great (540 - 604)

Today is the feast day of Saint Richard of Wyche (also known as Richard of Chicester). Richard was born at Wyche (now known as Droitwich), Worchester, England, in 1197. He was orphaned when he was very young, and took over the fortunes of the estate that he had inherited and gave them to his brother Robert. Richard refused to marry and moved to Oxford, where he studied under Grosseteste and met Saint Edmund Rich. Richard and Edmund soon became lifelong friends. Richard pursued his studies at Paris, then received his M.A. from Oxford, and then continued his studies at Bologna where he received his doctoral degree in Canon Law. After seven years in Bologna, Richard returned to Oxford, where he was appointed chancellor of the university and of Edmund Rich, who was then the archbishop of Canterbury. After Edmund Rich died, Richard taught at the Dominican House of Studies at Orleans, and was ordained there in 1243. While he was the parish priest at Deal, he was appointed to be the chancellor of the new archbishop of Canterbury. In 1245, Richard also became the bishop of Chicester. The eight remaining years of his life were given to ministering his flock. He denounced nepotism, insisted on strict clerical discipline, and was very generous to the poor and needy. He died at a house in Dover, England, that was for poor priests in 1253. He was canonized in 1262. 

Saint Richard of Wyche, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Saint Richard Taken From: 

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