Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Saint Fina

"It is not my wounds but thine, O Christ, that hurt me."
- Saint Fina (d. 1253)

 Today is the feast day of Saint Seraphina, who is also known as Saint Fina. Fina was born in San Germiniano, Italy, during the early 13th century. She was born to poverty-stricken parents, who did not have much to give. She was a very pretty girl and also pious. Whenever Fina would eat, she would always save half of her food for those who were even poorer than she was. When she was at home, Fina would try to live the life of a recluse as much as possible. She sewed and spun cloth during the day to help pay off the family debts, and prayed much of the night. When Fina was still young, her father died. At about the same time, she was struck with an illness that left her paralyzed and deformed.  Fina laid for 6 years on a plank without moving or turning her head because of her ardent desire to be more like Our Lord on the cross. Often, Fina's mother had to leave her alone for hours while she went out to work or beg, but Fina never complained. After a while, Fina's mother died and only her friend Beldia was left to take care of her. During her illness, someone told Fina about Saint Gregory the Great and his sufferings. Fina developed a special veneration for Saint Gregory, and prayed to him that he would intercede for her with God that she might be more patient in her affliction. Eight days before her death, Fina had a visit from Saint Gregory. In the vision, Saint Gregory said, "Dear child, on my festival God will give you rest." Fina died on March 12, 1253. It is said that when Fina's body was removed from the wooden plank that she had laid on for many years, that it was covered in white violets. All the city attended Fina's funeral, and many miracles are said to of been worked through her intercession. It is also said that while she lay dead, Fina clasped the injured arm of her friend Beldia and it was healed.

Saint Fina, pray for us!
Picture Of And Information About Saint Fina Taken From:



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